[VHFcontesting] 5.7 Ghz

specrisk at aol.com specrisk at aol.com
Tue Jul 21 08:33:47 PDT 2009

To Jon & Zack-
?Yes there is are opportunities to use 5.7 GHz during the VHF Contests and the UHF contest but 5/10/24 go together naturally with high gain, portable, small dishes. 5.7 could be a simple adjunct to a 10 Ghz that has already been located and peaked. With the advent of dual band feeds a single dish can function well for both bands and aleviate the need for peaking of a second dish. It is unfortunate that the? contest started on 10 Ghz. as it would seem that 5 & up is more logical. 5.7 is easier to get on and build than 10 Ghz? gear and the surplus is more abundant. It would be a better training ground for MWers? to get them on the higher bands. This spring there was talk of a parallel contest on this reflector or the MW reflector but I have heard nothing further so I guess the ball has been dropped. 
George, W1JHR

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