[VHFcontesting] K3LFO Rover Plans

Jim Erickson k3lfo at mentis.org
Sat Jun 6 18:09:40 PDT 2009

Hello VHFer's,

The K3LFO/R Rover team will be out running 50 Mhz through 3456 Mhz for 
the June Contest.  We are planning a medium rove starting on the eastern 
shore of Maryland and ending up on Skyline Drive.  Our route and 
approximate times are listed below.  We were going to leave out FM27 
because we don't get much activity there and it's another 2 hour drive, 
but we decided to give it *one more chance*.  So PLEASE look our way 
during the first ½ hour of the contest in FM27.

We've fixed the rover starter battery and taken care of a few other 
service problems.  The RF systems have been checked out and all is 
working well.  We even netted the transverters on frequency.  It's not 
perfect but within 1 or 2 Khz versus the 18 Khz off frequency we had on 

Our run frequency on 2 meters will be *144.245*. If you call us and 
don't hear us try back in a few minutes as we will be returning back to 
this frequency often in between searching and pouncing.

I've noticed a number of stations asking about 223.5 FM  We will be 
happy to QSY up to FM and give it a try if you ask us to go there from 
another band.  That goes for 6m 2m and  70cm as well!  We will be 
horizontally polarized so be sure we will be within adequate range.

*/DISCLAIMER:/*/ All times are relative and subject to change due to 
band conditions!/

*Saturday June 13*

1800z-1900z - FM27bx (Crisfield, MD, Eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay)

2100 -- 2230 - FM28aw (Queen Anne, Army Reserve Center)

2300 -- 0030 - FM29aa (Rt 481 & 304, Community Center)

0100 -- 0200 - FM18ux (Near Bay Bridge Rt 50 at Airport) 

0200 -- 0330 - Travel to FM19jj (W3DIO's Home QTH Driveway and sleep)

*Sunday June 14*

1200 -- 1400 - FM19kj  (Mount Airy, MD)

1530 -- 1800 - FM09ur (Sidling Hill near Hancock, MD, elv 1200')

2100 -- 0300 - FM08us (Skyline Drive -- Hogback Overlook, elv 3385')

*Note: */*More details and updates to this may be forthcoming...*/


50 Mhz            TS-2000x        TE Systems Amp        400w out         
PAR MOXON 5.6 db

144Mhz           TS-2000x        TE Systems Amp        400w Out        
DS144-6RS  10.1db

222Mhz           DEMI 222-28 Mirage Amp                110w Out        
DSFO222-10RS  11.4db

432Mhz           TS-2000x        TE Systems Amp        185w Out        
DSFO432-15RS  13.5db

903Mhz           DEMI 902-28                                     30w 
Out         DS3333LY  18.5 db

1296Mhz         TS2000x          DEMI Amp                 120w Out       
DS2345LY  20.5 db

2304Mhz         SSBE TV        Spectrum Amp            50w Out          
DS1345LY  20db

3456Mhz         DEMI 13-144                                     1w 
Out           DS976LY  23.4db

Jim K3LFO and Dave W3DIO
K3LFO at arl.net


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