[VHFcontesting] tons of W0KVA Multi-Op photos

Nate Duehr nate at natetech.com
Mon Jun 15 22:02:30 PDT 2009

Two Overstuffed Photo Albums...  And growing.


The "main" album, which has a mix of photos from multiple people and  
is growing... a lot...

And the "fly-by" album, where we took aerial photos of both the W0KVA  
and W0EEA contest sites from the air on Sunday!

"Best" Photos from the Aerial shots: (in my opinion)
W0KVA:  <http://www.rmham.org/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=10733>
W0EEA: <http://www.rmham.org/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=10808>


Other shots of note out of MY photos, but you really have to go see  
them all... over 300 of them up now, and more being added:

We had to call M2 about a problem with the brand new 6m antenna (the  
problem turned out to be partially a manufacturing problem, and partly  
our inability to read instructions... ha!), and I just had to get a  
shot of the VoIP phone, hooked to a PBX in Denver over IP, with their  
phone number up on it... while we were talking to them about the  
problem.  Jeremy at M2 did a FANTASTIC job of customer service...

... And the antenna kicked butt, by the way.

And this was the radar data -- of just the FIRST of MANY thunderstorms  
overhead... throughout the weekend.

And you'll see a bunch of these... "Somewhere over the Rainbow"  
shots.  Gorgeous double rainbow after the first storm rolled through  
on Friday...
There are better ones from better cameras, probably -- search the  
whole gallery.

This one, Scott W0KU is working on fixing the 6m beam/thinking about  
it, and he was lined up just right to shoot the shot that looks like  
he's figuring out how to get some signals from that rainbow in the  
above photo, too.

We also got photos of Eric KR0VER's awesome 10-band rover when he  
stopped in for some dinner.  Doesn't adding ten VHF+ bands to a  
minivan just make it look sexy?! (GRIN!)

What a great weekend!!!!  Hope you all had fun too!!!!

Nate Duehr, WY0X
nate at natetech.com

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