[VHFcontesting] [VHF] Please participate in Field Day

James French w8iss at wideopenwest.com
Tue Jun 16 09:24:27 PDT 2009

Rovers, think of it this way, FREE FOOD...<L>

If you find a GOOD Field Day site, most will feed you for setting
up and operating as best you can at their FD sites.

Plus most will have questions about how you interface the radios to
transverters and the antennas plus mounting.

We could get a few more rovers out of doing this!!!

TAKE a LOT of PICTURES with you to show where you have operated from
during your travels. Thats what gets most people interested in rovering.
Seeing what you have seen and then doing it themselves.

Lets make a concerted effort to get out to different FD sites this year
and generate more interest in our HF bands (pun intended).

James W8ISS

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