[VHFcontesting] Towers and rovers

James Duffey jamesduffey at comcast.net
Mon Jun 22 18:11:41 PDT 2009

Mike - You wrote:

"...Unless you are running 100+ q's an hour (4 band total) I don't  
see this as a problem.....  I'm figuring 12-15 minutes tops. ..."

Well I went to 9 grids the last rove and that is over 2 hours of setup  
time. I have gone to as many as 11 grids and that is almost 3 hours of  
setup time. I operated about 19 hours so these setup times are 10 to  
15% of my total operating time. Is that significant? On the average,  
that is a 10 to 15% reduction in score; more if there is Es, less if  
there is not. I have decided that there is a lot to be said for  
minimizing the setup and take down time. One key to a high rover score  
is to keep operating and keep moving. When you are erecting and  
lowering a tower you aren't doing either.

"I also need a new logging program.  I had Scott's, N3FJP on an old
microbloat box that is no more. ...  Mine (this
one) is a linux o/s"

You might try RoverLog, which can be run on LInux boxes as is. - Duffey

I think that the FOrce 12 towers, although expensive look attractive  
for roving. One can mount them on a vehicle and with the Yagis  
permanently fixed, you can raise and lower the tower quickly. I  
suspect that they are expensive though. - Duffey
James Duffey
Cedar Crest NM

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