[VHFcontesting] "Handing Out" radio rules/ethics

Matt Clauson N0QXW n0qxw at n0qxw.net
Thu Jun 25 08:57:10 PDT 2009

On 6/24/09 1:10 PM, Les Rayburn wrote:
> After the contest, I started thinking about the experience. It
> occurred to me that I had a perfectly good Kenwood TH-F6A in the
> truck that puts out five watts on 2, 440, and 222. Would it have been
> legal and/or ethical to simply "hand" them the radio and invite them
> to participate in the contest by working me on the spot? Carrying
> that logic one step further, what if I carried a 900mhz Kenwood HT
> converted to ham frequencies, or one of those new Alinco HT's with
> 1.2ghz FM? Or even better a Kenwood VX-8R which has 6M, 2M, 440, and
> 222.

Unfortunately, a lot of contests have what I call the 'contaminated 
radio' rule.  Effectively, once a radio has been used 'in a contest' for 
a specific call, said radio/station can't be used for another 
station/call.  There's a family exemption to this rule, usually.

To be honest, I understand the rule and agree with it...  And it 
probably was created to avoid some of what you're trying to do.  Don't 
get me wrong -- I think that you trying to get other people more 
involved in the hobby is a good thing...  But you're basically giving 
people equipment just so you can get more contacts.  Scaled up (not 
likely, I know, but work with me here) it can give you an unfair advantage.

> Instead of those hams being somewhat of a handicap (wasting valuable
> operating time answering questions) they could have been points in
> the contest. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has thought of this,
> so forgive me if I'm wasting bandwidth rehashing old ground.

While I'll admit I can be a bit of a hardcore contester at times, I'd 
take more of an 'educative approach'.  Sure, you're losing op-time while 
explaining and educating...  but by answering questions, etc, you might 
have a chance of getting those people operating their OWN stations in 
the future, giving all of us the chance for those contacts (and maybe 

> As always, I appreciate the advice from the masters.

Your heart is in the right place, Les, and it's good to see you're 
thinking.  Please feel free to respond to my points.  I don't intend for 
this to be a personal attack, and I love a good discussion (it sure 
beats a weather/rig ragchew!  ;)


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