[VHFcontesting] 6m halo

Jack Isenberg ihi at frontiernet.net
Sun May 24 06:22:43 PDT 2009


I agree that mounting it a couple feet above the roof would be a disaster.
Tom and I started that way, and we worked very few contacts. 
Even when the band was wide open, people said we were very weak.
we now run with it up 25 to 30 feet and it is almost as good as a beam.  No trouble making contacts.

What we have done is to go to pushup fiberglass masts.
You can get fiberglass tubes and rods from Alan Bond.  http://www.mgs4u.com/index.html that easily nest together.
If you have a trailer hitch or something you could mount the base of the mast on and travel with it vertical and just push it up, setup time would be like a minute.

Might be a tight schedule for June, but he is very good about fast response.
He also has quick release collars that you just flip a lever, push up and flip the lever and you are set up.
You can see our setup on my web site:

We can set up all ten bands, the generator, all equipment and the computers and be operational on 10 bands in not much over 10 min.

73 and good luck


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