[VHFcontesting] SteppIR's on 6m

Doug Rehman doug at k4ac.com
Wed Sep 9 16:55:37 PDT 2009

I wanted to say thanks to all for a lot of valuable input that has helped me
to figure out what I want to do.

The comments on and off list were a mixed bag for the performance of the
DB-18 and the 3L on 6m. It is fairly clear that they would not have the 6m
contesting performance that I'm looking for.

On the other hand, the comments about the 4L with the 2 passive 6m elements
all pointed towards it being a good performer on 6m- probably as good or
better than my current 5 element.

VE3NFK put together a 4L with two 40/30m elements; the only downside is that
the mechanics of the placement of the second 40/30m element makes the 2
element 40/30m yagi 180 degrees to the rest of the bands (the second element
is used as a reflector instead of a director- it's the second director on
20-6m). For another $375, I think it would make a great 40-6m yagi. (This
combination is about $1,260 cheaper, 30 pounds lighter, and about 4 square
feet of wind load less than the DB-36.)

It looks like the only choice left to make is whether to stay with the
original controller or get the optional SDA controller.

Thanks for the help!

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