[VHFcontesting] VE3SMA/R Sept. VHF Contest Plans

Steve Kavanagh sjkavanagh1 at yahoo.ca
Fri Sep 11 04:54:03 PDT 2009

I'll be out roving this weekend in the ARRL September VHF QSO Party as follows (some booked-up sked periods are not shown).  Times in UTC.

Saturday (local time)

1930-2130 FN14ba (Colborne)
2200-0030 FN04xa (Grafton)
(then driving home through FN03 to EN93)
(I could make a few QSOs from FN13 before or after the FN04 stop if there is somebody nearby needing it...but with small mobile antennas only on the bottom 4 bands)


1230(?)-1500 FN03bi (Burlington)
1600-1900 circling EN92/93/FN02/FN03 corner (mobile antennas only)
2020-2300 EN92mp (east of Port Stanley)
0040-0300 EN93sg (southwest of Cambridge)

I'll have low power on everything up to 3456 MHz, 5760 MHz QRP only, 10 GHz (CW/SSB), 24 wideband FM and laser.  Basically the same setup as June.  Let me know if you are interested in skeds.  I haven't any fixed hangout frequency - when I call CQ it is usually between 144.165 and 144.245.

Steve VE3SMA/R

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