[VHFcontesting] Rovers and the Authorites

Steve Clifford k4gun.r at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 05:48:34 PDT 2009

My only interaction with the law happened on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and
Tunnel.  One the bridge police stopped by my operating location and started
his conversation like this:  "I'm not here because you're doing anything
wrong, but I've got to ask... what is all of this?"  I explained and while
talking to him, I heard a station near Winchester Va (over 150 miles away)
calling CQ.  I answered and made the QSO with the cop watching.  His eyes
got big.

"You just talked to a guy near Winchester?  I need you to talk to my
captain.  We can barely talk to the other side of this bridge!"

I gave him my contact information as a courtesy, but knew I wouldn't be
called.  He was really impressed and left me alone.

I've seen a number of other cops, but none have bothered to have a closer
look.  I must appear to belong where ever I am.  LOL..


On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 6:46 AM, <pipkin29292 at mypacks.net> wrote:

> Concerning inconspicuous rovers, I can offer some comments from experience.
> I have been "interviewed" by the authorities during every contest I have
> been in so far. It has ranged from city police, county deputies, highway
> patrol, a lady MP and even Naval Intelligence in the Florida Keys. ( an ex
> ham - he took pictures ). If you look at my photo on QRZ you will see there
> is no way to be inconspicuous. I run all bands up to 2304 MHZ. All
> interviews turned out well. I just smiled and responded with respect. I did
> add that this was a national exercise to practice emergency communications
> for situations like after a hurricane. In Florida that seems to get
> immediate appreciation. I always operate safely and off the road, but the
> sheriff's deputy offered the comment that a vest and cones would be a good
> addition, although he had no issue with my operation. Another tip, keep a
> copy of your license in the rover. Showing it to the authorities during the
> interview seems to help give an
>  official standing. Civilians also seem as curious as the authorizes and I
> have frequently found myself in the ham radio ambassador capacity with
> civilians as well. In any case, it's been fun.
> 73's Bob AH8M/R

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