[VHFcontesting] 222MHZ Transverters

Bruce Richardson w9fz at w9fz.com
Mon Sep 28 13:28:37 PDT 2009

I know, you're really looking for XVERTERS that work with
your current rigs. 

I'm using an old MMT 222-28 xverter and a HR-2600 10m IF
rig.  That drives a Mirage brick to 120w.

But I'm about to replace it with a Yaesu FT-897 with a DEM
222 xverter board dropped into the battery compartment.
This is per an article by W0ZQ in a Central States VHF
Society proceedings.  The rig natively has 50, 144, and 432
at reasonable power levels or suitable for driving bricks.
Pop the DEM xverter board in the battery bay and use the
battery select switch to select either 222 or 10m.  With the
222 power module (it fits), you'll have 25w out. That spanks
a brick amplifier nicely.

I really like the extra capability this will give me all in
one box.  I can find the two Proceedings with articles about
adding 222 to an FT-897 if you are interested.

Bruce Richardson W9FZ/R

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