[VHFcontesting] Update on the VHF components of the new ARRL Web Site

Eugene Zimmerman ezimmerm at erols.com
Sun Aug 1 13:57:57 PDT 2010

I would like to bring the community more up to date about the status of VHF+
information on the new ARRL Web.


As most of you know the transition to the new Web site which occurred this
spring has been a very rocky one. Much of the content on the previous web
site is either not there on the new site or the navigation on the new site
is so bad that no one can find it. In addition there are serious problems
with the new site which have to be fixed before anyone will see any
improvement in those issues.


Happily with the help of Sean Kutzko KX9X who will be responsible for
updating the World Above 50 MHz section of the new site once the site is
working properly we have been able to resurrect much of the old site. You
can locate the site at




Look on the upper left hand section of that page and you will see most of
the old content.


Click on V/U/SHF Clubs to see information about VHF+ clubs.


Click on WA50 Standings to see the current Standings.


Click on 6 Meter First to see the first Q between the US and other


Click on Distance Records to see the VHF+ distance records on each band.


Just today I found that the Grid Chase is already on the Web though no one
could find it. I am going to try to get a link to it posted on the World
Above page this week. In the meantime go to




CAVEATS:  First the linkage to the database that creates Standings tables is
broken. New information needs to be entered manually and the site freezes
when you do that. So please DO send your updates to standings at arrl.org but
realize that they may not get entered until the problems are fixed. But
eventually they WILL be entered.  It is possible that the grid chase data
also has the same sort of problem. The Distance Records were just restored
Thursday and I need to contact Al Ward W5LUA who maintains those records so
if you have an update you sent Al and it is not listed yet please QRX until
he knows that he can work with Sean to get the information updated. The
Distance Records and the 6 Meter Firsts are NOT linked to databases so once
we get the process going updates to them will not require fixing the rest of
the website.


This process has been very frustrating to me. I absolutely refuse to write
websites. And the transition to the new ARRL site has been a disaster.
Please do NOT blame the working staff. In fact without the intervention of
Sean Kutzko we would have nothing. Part of the problem is lack of manpower.
I understand at least one new person has been added and maybe he will be
able to fix some of this. [Don't ask me why the developer hasn't fixed it -
either they can't or the ARRL has decided not to pay them to fix the mess
they left behind]. I cannot tell you when all or any of the problems will be
fixed or when LoTW and VUCC will be linked. The latter is pretty far down
the priority list at the moment. Since very little has been fixed in the
months since the new site went live, your guess is as good as mine as to
when we will see any progress.


What you can do


The VHF community's only recourse is to write your Director. Ask when LOTW
and VUCC will be linked. I have done so and I see others have as well. I
don't know if it will do any good but nothing else is likely to do any good


73  Gene  W3ZZ
World Above 50 MHz
FM19jd  MD
50 => 10 GHz
Grid Pirates Contest Group K8GP
Information Officer, CQWW Contest Committee




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