[VHFcontesting] [Rmvhf] Fiery end to UHF Contest at KK6MC/r

Nate Duehr nate at natetech.com
Wed Aug 11 15:37:45 PDT 2010

On 8/8/2010 9:54 PM, James Duffey wrote:
> After a modest rove and moderate success in the ARRL UHF contest, including more 1296 MHz contacts than I have ever made in a contest, my 2003 Subaru Outback used to house the rover caught fire south of Truth or Consequences on return to Cedar Crest. It is pretty much a total lost.
> I was able to get my radios and other valuables out of the car before the fire really took off, but as I watched it burn I realized that I had not retrieved my contest logs. I was angriest then at the thought of an entire weekend's effort going for naught. But the logs survived, and although a bit soggy can be processed.
> The fire was pretty much confined to the engine compartment. I am safe and uninjured. Several of the volunteer fireman were hams and were interested in the antennas.
> I will summarize the contest in a later e-mail.
> I am happy to be unscathed, but now I have to deal with two of the worst processes in the World, filing an insurance claim and buying a car. - Duffey
> --
> James Duffey KK6MC
> DM65tc
> Cedar Crest NM
> <  jamesduffey at comcast.net>

Just read this Duffey... quite a bit behind on e-mail of all sorts after 
a long out of town trip.

Very glad you (and your logs... ha!) weren't injured in the car fire.

We all know you were REALLY just trying to do some advocacy for VHF 
contesting, and knew the firefighters would show up and oggle over the 
antennas if you set your car on fire!!!  (GRIN!  Just kidding.)

Hope the insurance paperwork and the car shopping is going as well as 
either of those two annoying activies can...

Nate WY0X

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