[VHFcontesting] VHF Callsign Database Update Released

Dave Zeph zephd at indy.rr.com
Sun Jul 11 21:53:07 PDT 2010

A new release of the VHF Callsign Database is available for the July CQ VHF
Contest.  The Release Number is 2010.07.11.00.  If there are any subsequent
releases before the July CQ VHF Contest, the last two digits of the Release
Number will change.

I would appreciate if contributors send me their Cabrillo Files after the
July CQ VHF Contest so that an update can be generated before the September
VHF Contest.

The Release Files can be downloaded from    www.k3lr.com/w9zrx/    .  The
trailing "/" is important.  The .DTB File may also be downloaded from

With this release the Database has grown from 13,820 to 15,898 Callsigns.
Please E-Mail any changes or correction to my E-Mail Address.

The Organization of Files at the Site Have Been Changed with the
2010.07.11.00 Release

The .DTA and .SCP Files support Super Check Partial for CT, N1MM, and
Win-Test.  Please send the other Contest Logging Programs that can use these
and the other Formats for Super Check Partial.

The .DTB File supports "Exchange Guessing" for Win-Test.  I would have used
the File Name VHF_USA_DTB_2010071100.zip, but this is the Name Format is
examined daily by the Win-Test WEB Site.  , The File is automatically copied
to the Win-Test WEB Site when the File Date Changes. 

The EXCEL Format Files are provided for those who wish to make other use of
the Data.

        File Name                      Contains                   Format

VHF_CALL_SORT_2010071100.zip   Calls + Grids - Call sort        - EXCEL File

VHF_Grid_Sort_2010071100.zip   Calls + Grids - Grid Sort Square - EXCEL File

VHF_CSV_SORT_2010071100.zip    Calls + Grids Call Sort          - .CSV File

VHF_USA_2010071100.zip         Calls + Grids - Win-Test Format  - .DTB File
VHF_USA_SCP_2010071100.zip     Calls Only - Call Sort            - ANSI Text

VHF_USA_DTA_2010071100.zip     Calls Only - Call Sort            - .DTA File

I would like to thanks the following operators for supplying their June VHF
Contest Logs used for this Update:

AD1C    K1TOL  K2DSL    K2EK    K3ZO    K4FX   K4UPX   K4WI    K4ZGB  K5MOZ
K6KLY   K6LRG  K7AWB    K7CW    K7EIQ   K7IP   K8CC    K8GP    K8MFO  K8MR
K8NWD   K9CT   KA9FOX   KB5RX   KI7JA   KN5O   KU8E    N0GZ    N0KE   N0LL
N2WIN   N4BP   N4HN     N5XTR   N6EQ    N7CW   N7VM    N8BJQ   NJ2F   NR5M
W5KI    W7MY   W7RN     W9ILY   W9SZ    W9ZRX  WA1Z    WB2FKO  WD0T   WD5K

73 -- Dave, W9ZRX

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