[VHFcontesting] 6M Au last evening..
jer.sieg at shaw.ca
Fri Jun 4 07:10:00 PDT 2010
It was Great to work my 1st Au last evening.. I had heard beacons
before..and had done it on 10M years ago.. I worked W7KNT DN26 on SSB
then started hearing the CW signals come up! My old 660 does not work
on CW.. so used WSJT to work W7CE CN87 so I imagine I sounded a lil
goofy as I did not know when to stop the Tx ! (plus the XYL was yakking
at me in the shack at the time..'Audio Distortion'?) LOL
So.. I hooked up a 670 I was planning on selling..to see if it worked
with the keyer in the CW Mode.. Yep ! Managed to work W7MEM DN27, K7CW
CN87, VE5UF DO61 and KE7V CN88 on CW Au..! No New Grids.. but a Fun way
to try just one more mode of prop !
I just may keep that old 670... !
I learned New math as well.. Au / E = Zero ! Looking forward to the DX
start ! So far.. only VE, US and XE on 6M.. I think my first JA or EU..
whatever.. will feel like my first contact on 2M EME!
CU on the 'Magic Band' Soon.. and weekend off work for the June
Contest.. I will be QRV !
6M, 2M and 70cm..
Jerry VE6CPP
"Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world, doesn't mean you are any wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar." ---Edward R. Murrow
ve6cpp at rac.ca
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