[VHFcontesting] KK6MC/r rove in June VHF Contest

James Duffey jamesduffey at comcast.net
Wed Jun 9 20:25:39 PDT 2010

I have posted my initial plans, including a simple map, for the 2010 June VHF contest on my BLOG:

< http://kk6mc.blogspot.com/2010/06/kk6mcr-route-in-june-2010-arrl-vhf.html >

Here is a summary:

DM98 1800Z - 1900Z

DM88 1900Z - 2000Z

DM87 2000Z - 2130Z

DM97 2130Z - 2300Z

DM96 2300Z - 0030Z

DM86 0030Z - 0130Z

DM85 0130Z - 0200Z

DM95 0200Z - 0330Z

Overnight in Amarillo, depending on how late it is, I may operate from the parking lot.

DM94 1100Z - 1300Z (I will do FSK441/JT6M From this grid I will call CQ and work stations on the calling frequency, 50.260, w QSY to 2M if available, using suffix only to avoid confusion on report, Rs, and 73es)

DM84 1300Z - 1430Z

DM83 1430Z - 1500Z

DM93 1500Z - 1630Z

DM82 1630Z - 1930Z (This is a fairly rare grid and I will do FSK41/JT6m from this grid. I will call CQ and work stations on the calling frequency, 50.260, w QSY to 2M if avaialble, using suffix only to avoid confusion on report, Rs, and 73es)

DM72 1830Z - 2030Z

DM73 2030Z - 2230Z

DM74 2230Z - 0030Z 

DM64 0030Z - 0130Z

DM65 0230Z - 0300Z

Please don't take this as gospel. It is easy to get behind schedule, particularly if the band is open. Occasionally I can get ahead of schedule, but that doesn't happen too much. Plus there is construction and other unpredictable issues. 

I will have the following bands:

6M 100W 2 element stressed Moxon (PAR MS-50)

2M 100W 6 element WA5VJB

1.35M 100W  6 element WA5VJB

0.70M 100W (outside of NM) 11 element WA5VJB

0.23M 10W 11 element WA5VJB

CW and SSB, with WSJT at the indicated stops, but with lots of Es, the WSJT may go out the window.

I can run all this in motion, but not having a driver, I will pull over if I hear a call or some activity, so if a reply is a bit long in coming, please bear with me. 

See you all in the contest and hope for lots of Es. Listen for the weak ones.  - Duffey 

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