[VHFcontesting] Getting beginners interested in VHF

kevinemtid at sbcglobal.net kevinemtid at sbcglobal.net
Mon Mar 8 11:45:10 PST 2010

Hi Folks,
 I am using a Dual Band Quad right now for 2mtrs/432 made by Cubex Quads. It has 8 ele on 2mtrs and 11 ele on 432 on a single 8 ft boom. They offer several types with multiple bands on a single boom. I have also built a 4 ele 6mtr quad for about $75.00. It was quite large but worked great till I could afford a new 6 ele Yagi. They can be cheap to build and the dimensions are readily available on line. They are also light weight, quiet and hardy when it comes to wind/snow and such.
Kevin NZ1I

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