[VHFcontesting] VHF Contest QST You Can Distribute in Your Area

Todd Sprinkmann sprinkies at excel.net
Tue Sep 7 14:56:58 PDT 2010

    Hello VHF Contesting List Members,

   If you'd like to hear the bands more alive during a VHF/UHF 
contest, then feel free to distribute the following QST in your 
area.  Emails like this one have helped improve VHF/UHF 
activity levels in WI and N ILL the past year or two.

   The ARRL September VHF QSO Party starts at 1pm central 
time on Sat., Sept. 11th, and runs 33 hours until 10pm on Sun., 
Sept. 12th.  Operate as much as you like on any or all bands 
from 6m and 2m right on up thru the microwaves.  You will hear 
the bands come alive with many signals.

   Here's the link to the rules:

   I'm a big advocate for more VHF Contesting activity.   Just
about any ham has either 6m or 2m, and those 2 bands are the
foundation of everyone's VHF/UHF station.   You do NOT have
to be a big gun or expert to enjoy the activity in a VHF contest.
Play along for a few hours this weekend and get your toes wet.

   If you want to know more about how to operate in a VHF/UHF
Contest, then click on my articles called VHF Contesting School.   
They are at http://kc9bqa.com/?p=2641
You are free to pass those articles around to your buddies, your
club, anyone you think might be interested. The idea is to make
VHF/UHF Contesting accessible to any ham with an interest.

   Todd  KC9BQA    EN63ao    40 N of Milwaukee
   www.kc9bqa.com   For Frequent VHF/UHF Updates
   www.wivuch.com    WI VHF/UHF County Hunters Award

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