[VHFcontesting] Does a Q with the ISS count in the VHF Sprint? :-)

Alex alex at kr1st.com
Tue Sep 21 08:17:09 PDT 2010

Hello again,

I should have put a smiley behind the question as it was not a serious
question. My apologies. 

The contact took place an hour and a half before the sprint, so I couldn't
have counted it anyway. 

I was going to work the sprint a bit from the car, but a friend alerted me
of the ISS pass and plans changed.

I'm sorry for the confusion.

--Alex KR1ST

> From: alex at kr1st.com
> To: vhf at w6yx.stanford.edu; vhfcontesting at contesting.com
> Subject: [VHF] Does a Q with the ISS count in the VHF Sprint?
> Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 09:41:38 -0400
> Hi there,
> I had the full intention to participate a bit in the Fall Sprint, but got
> side tracked by the ISS. :)
> See:
> http://www.kr1st.com/na1ss.htm (pictures, audio clip)
> Since we didn't exchange grids I guess it was not a good rover to rover
> contact for the contest. Then again, he's going at 5 miles per second, so
> the time he spells out one grid, he's in the next. :) Man, could have
> VUCC in just a few minutes. I know, keep dreaming... :)
> 73,
> --Alex KR1ST
> http://www.kr1st.com
> Http://www.airlinkexpress.org
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