[VHFcontesting] Current State of VHF Contesting paper

kevin kaufhold kkaufhold at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 13 15:40:55 PST 2011

I have completed a working paper on trends in all US VHF contests, including those sponsored by ARRL, CQ, and various regional societies. The paper can be found at:
The June VHF QSO party and July CQ VHF have strongly positive trends, while Sept and the ARRL EME are struggling right now on log counts.  Many other contests have interesting things going on in them, such as the Spring Sprints move to distance, the UHF addition of clubs, and the unique nature of both the NA HS MS event and the SBMS 2G+.  
Please send me any comments you have on the paper or on specific contests. I am likely to summarize everything into a published article somewhere. 
Kevin Kaufhold

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