[VHFcontesting] January VHF Sweepstakes

Joel Harrison w5zn at w5zn.org
Wed Jan 19 09:39:20 PST 2011

It is great to see everyone getting ready for the contest coming up in just
a few short days.


This will be the 64th running of the January ARRL VHF Sweepstakes. This
contest began in January, 1948 and resulted in almost 400 log submissions!
Pretty impressive for the time but as F.E. Handy, W1BDI stated in the
announcement of the "First V.H.F. Sweepstakes" on page 68 of January, 1948
QST "Activity on v.h.f. is at an all-time high.." Historically this has been
a very popular VHF contest throughout the years.


I want to encourage everyone to "talk up" the contest locally in your area
or at your local club. I know very well that it is difficult to generate
interest among the local FM Technician Class licensee's to try weak signal
modes in a VHF contest, or contesting at all but most of them have never had
the opportunity to experience "the other side". Some have probably
participated with a local club at Field Day so they will have had some
"introduction" to a contest environment so all they need is the opportunity
to go to a station.


Even if they have no interest in contesting try explaining to them that you
are a participant in a national competitive radio sport event and really
need their help! Fire up the local repeater group to give you a contact on
FM simplex. Making them feel part of the "effort" will do two things; one it
will improve your score by giving you more Q's and second it will expose
them to a radio sport event. Later, give a presentation about the contest
with your results at a club meeting!


So whatever your level of participation please try to Elmer someone new to
Amateur Radio or new to contesting. Also if they want to learn more about
VHF contesting tell them to plan to attend the 2011 Contest University in
Dayton this year. A very informative VHF session has been scheduled each
year at CTU and presented by various well known, successful VHF contesters.


I'll see you this weekend from EM45!


73 - Joel, W5ZN

Zilla Contest Group

Team W5ZN


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