[VHFcontesting] [VHF] N3XUD/R Results Jan VHF Contest

Steve Clifford k4gun.r at gmail.com
Wed Jan 26 06:20:09 PST 2011

You have no idea how excited my wife/logger was when we made a contact with
KB3STA/R.  That is just the coolest thing.  I think we only got you on 2
meters because we ended up with an impromptu pileup when you QSY'd to 6
meters but it was good to pick you and your daughter up.

Tell her "hi and keep up the good work" from K4GUN/R and his logger K4LIG.


On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 12:51 PM, David All <n3xudfm19 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I activated 5 grids, FM15, FM16, FM17, FM18, FM19
> Total Contacts- 30
> Total QSO Points- 34
> Total Multipliers-  20
> Claimed Score- 680
> 50MHz- 5Q / 3 Grids.  FM19, FN10, FN20
> 144MHz- 21Q / 9 Grids.  FN20, FN10, FN01, FM19, FM18, FM17, FM16, FM09,
> FM07
> 432MHz- 4Q / 3 Grids.  FM19, FN10, FN20
> My goal was to make on contact in each of the 5 grids I would be traveling
> through.  I managed to accomplish this goal.  So rover trip was a
> success.  Found
> out don t trust daughter to program turn by turn GPS, even if traveling
> I-95
> N from NC to PA.  Although we got to see some of the sights of downtown
> Washington DC that we had not seen that close (at least from a car) before.
> Don t continue to listen to turn by turn GPS when you know where and how to
> get some where.  Long story.
> *Overall-* Goal accomplished fun with my daughter KB3STA/R making some
> contacts but due to me having to drive with a fully loaded trailer she was
> not really into it.  My wife who could care less about ham radio was using
> the light from a cell phone to log for me and Angel.  Way to go, not sure
> if
> she would do it again willingly, but I will keep working on that.
> *Looking Forward-* Due to the passing of my father SK N3KKM the 3
> Generation
> Contest Team name is being laid to rest with his memories.  So I am
> adopting
> The Father Daughter Contest Team of N3XUD and KB3STA.  I will be working on
> outfitting my dads trailer so that we can have permanent operation stations
> from inside the trailer.  Hope to have that accomplished by June.  Look
> forward to starting the planning as soon as I get 5 grids worth of logs
> created and uploaded to LOTW.  See ya next contest.
> Father Daughter Contest Team
> N3XUD/R FM19rw
> KB3STA/R FM19rw
> ------
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