[VHFcontesting] Multi Grid Logging submitting for VUCC LOTW Credit

Phil Wells, AF6AV af6av at philwells.net
Thu Jan 27 17:07:19 PST 2011

I think you have it. Also remember to create rules in your VUCC Account on
the LoTW web server so that you don¹t get credit for those QSOs made outside
the VUCC limit area, and, also make rules that will account for all callsign
variations you may have used from that VUCC area, like N3XUD, N3XUD/M, as
well as N3XUD/R since you don¹t know FOR sure how people will log you when
you¹re mobile. 

Phil Wells  AF6AV
San Diego, CA, USA 

On 1/26/11 3:31 AM, "David All" <n3xudfm19 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you for any assistance to make sure I understand the process for
> operating from multiple grids and then submitting to LOTW for proper credit
> in LOTW.
> I need to 1) make sure I have a signed certificate for the call N3XUD/R
> 2) Take all the contacts made in for example FM15 and create a log file of
> just those contacts, then create a separate log file for each grid worked
> from.
> 3) Upload each one of those Grid logs and adjust the signing data to reflect
> the grid worked from for each one.
> I think this is what I need to do, can some one confirm or correct me on
> this procedure.  I do recall seeing some one mention a good resource for
> instructions on LOTW, can some one please repost that resource address.  I
> will not be so quick to delete emails till I am sure I understand this
> process.  Thank you and sorry for the band width, just want to make sure I
> do it correctly.  For my and all the people I contacted sake.  Thanks
> Dave N3XUD/R FM19rw
> Father Daughter Contest Team
> N3XUD/R and KB3STA/R

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