[VHFcontesting] FM-Only Frequencies?

Bruce Richardson w9fz at w9fz.com
Wed Dec 12 14:58:40 EST 2012

Here in Badger Contesters-land (WI/IL) we tend to use 146.55 and 146.58
the most.  We steer new folks to those freqs to get started.  I suppose
146.49 and 146.46 would be the next two to offer.  And I've done some
CQ'ing up on 147.48.  I also mention that 52.525, 223.5 and 446.00 are
fair game if they have the bands.

I think having a list of five suggested frequencies ready to go would be
a good offering as we contact local clubs about the upcoming contest.
And mention that the rules prohibit 146.52.  

If I wanted to offer two more suggested frequencies on 6m FM, what would
you suggest beyond 52.525?  52.50? 52.490? 52.550?

Bruce Richardson W9FZ

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