[VHFcontesting] [VHF] FM Contest Frequencies
M. Casey
map at mapinternet.com
Sat Dec 15 13:39:42 EST 2012
Hi Les,
You have 2 good ideas for 2 meter FM. KISS, and I'd go one step further and
recommend only one frequency---146.580 as the main go-to FM frequency during
the contest. That would fit with the rules and as Chris mentioned, the
regions that use either 15 or 20 KHz recommended spacing. Then, if they
found .58 busy they could QSY to another local simplex frequency. Of course
anyone can use any recognized simplex frequency, local option or national.
But FM use in the contest is way down now, and newcomers looking for a place
to find a contact might do well monitoring .58 during the contest. We want
them to get interested in VHF contesting and they need to get some contacts
in order to get interested. There would be no reason to change rules
(ex:1.9) as promotion of 146.580 fits within the existing rules. And the
idea to scan 2 meter simplex segments at 5Khz is a valid one also.
Mark K1MAP FN32
----- Original Message -----
From: "Les Rayburn" <les at highnoonfilm.com>
To: "Keith Morehouse" <w9rm at calmesapartners.com>
Cc: "VHF Contesting List" <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>; "W6YX VHF List"
<vhf at w6yx.stanford.edu>
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: [VHF] FM Contest Frequencies
I'm not trying to make any rule change. Rule 1.9 currently lists ten or
more suggested simplex channels, and was drafted well before the
creation of the new "FM Only" category.
I'm simply trying to consolidate that list into two "calling channels",
with the hope that at least one of them will work nationwide. This
allows the activity to be concentrated, increases the odds of successful
contacts, and increases the fun for everyone.
Can you imagine being a newcomer to VHF Contesting? You hear something
on the local net, or club newsletter about the new "FM Only" category,
and then you spend all day calling without an answer on ten different
channels? Frustrating and not likely to be something you repeat.
In some areas (like Alabama) simplex activity is almost entirely on
146.520. I think it's far better to promote two frequencies, than an
entire group. K-I-S-S should be the rule when trying to attract newcomers.
Also, I've routinely made early morning contacts on simplex on .52 out
to 200+ miles. The "local" simplex frequencies that are popular can vary
quite a bit even in that distance. I think having nationwide watering
holes makes more sense than simply "scanning" ten + channels.
I've got to program my FM rig to scan the simplex channels on a
time-based basis (rather than looking for a broken squelch) as I expect
many signals to be too weak to break squelch.
I'm going to encourage local ARES and CERT groups to mobilize their
membership and use this as an opportunity to test out their simplex
Les Rayburn, N1LF
On 12/13/2012 6:47 PM, Keith Morehouse wrote:
> ..and the rules already permit and suggest those freqs. So, I ask once
> again, you're simply proposing a more targeted 'suggested frequency' rule
> to replace Rule 1.9 in the General rules ?
> Jay W9RM
> Keith J Morehouse
> Managing Partner
> Calmesa Partners G.P.
> Montrose, CO
> On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 6:26 PM, Les Rayburn <les at highnoonfilm.com> wrote:
>> It seems clear that everyone agrees that contest activity on 2 Meter FM
>> could be increased by the use of two "watering hole" frequencies that
>> would be promoted for use during VHF/UHF Contests.
>> 146.550
>> 146.580
>> These are both recognized simplex frequencies, and don't appear to
>> conflict with other ham usage. Are there any objections to allowing
>> VHF/UHF hams to begin to promote the use of these frequencies during
>> VHF/UHF Contests?
>> All hams would also be encouraged to promote that contest activity must
>> not occur on the 146.52 National Simplex Frequency.
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