[VHFcontesting] The 2nd Annual Winter DXpedition to EL28....

Marshall-K5QE k5qe at k5qe.com
Fri Dec 28 21:14:13 EST 2012

Well, we are "Off to see the Wizard" tomorrow early in the AM.  We will 
drive to Houston and then down to the site in EL28.  The grid there is 
EL28es(I think).

We will setup Sunday morning and be "in the chair" as soon as we can.  
If we get some Es, that will be great....if not, we will be running MS.  
We should have internet and will be using Dan-N5TM's FB chat page.  I 
believe that chat.n5tm.com will get you there....then just click on the 
K5N tab at the top.  If we get the Internet working(which we should), 
then USE IT for requesting scheds and other such.  Please keep stuff not 
related to the K5N trip to one of the other chat rooms....Thank you for 

We plan to operate Es/SSB/CW and MS/FSK441 on 50.128MHz.  We will do our 
EME on 50.200.  Following normal practice, we will take FIRST SEQUENCE 
whether the antenna is pointing East or West.  This allows us to be 
working someone in IL and still hear someone from CO calling.  We can 
answer the CO caller without changing sequence and then go back to 
calling CQ if we don't have another caller. This is far superior to 
changing sequence all the time, so that no one knows what sequence we 
are on.

Again, QSL cards go to Joey-W5TFW.  Please remember that it will take at 
least 4 weeks to design the cards and get them printed. Just send your 
SASE to Joey with your card and "have faith"...we will get it done.

73 for now....

A Grid Bandits DXpedition


And some help from Dan-N5TM

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