[VHFcontesting] Contest results WZ1V
Ron Klimas WZ1V
wz1v at sbcglobal.net
Mon Sep 10 10:44:36 EDT 2012
To: 3830 at contesting.com
From: wz1v at arrl.net
Subject: ARRL Sep VHF WZ1V Single Op HP
ARRL September VHF QSO Party
Call: WZ1V
Operator(s): WZ1V
Station: WZ1V
Class: Single Op HP
QTH: FN31rh
Operating Time (hrs): 14
Band QSOs Mults
6: 115 36
2: 96 22
432: 52 17
Total: 263 75 Total Score = 23,625
Club: North East Weak Signal Group
With a big storm approaching, I almost lowered the antennas and was
ready to bag Saturday altogether. Instead I operated the first hour
or 2, disconnected the antennas, and went out for an early dinner
with my xyl. By the time I got back, the storm looked like it was
breaking up, so I took a chance and reconnected. Just in time to
catch the end of an Es to TE link on 6M. What a surprise, I work a
PY1 in grid GG87 on 6M, Rio de Janeiro Brazil, a 4,808 mile contact!
Later there was stateside Es to the EM60's, 70's, 80's, TN to AL.
Sunday morning was flat on 2M, with the exception of WA8CXI in EM99, a 420 mile
contact. After dinnertime Sunday, 6M opened again, this time to Florida, and
also K5QE EM31 from Texas. It was discouraging to lose my 432 preamp (again) at
the beginning of the contest, but I still managed to fill in most of
the grids I worked on 2M. Considering my limited operating time and
small Rover sized
antennas (a PAR Moxon on 6m, a 6 element yagi on 2, short 8' boom yagi for 432)
on a portable mast, I was pleasantly surprised with what I could work in a laid
back effort with no skeds, no digital, and lots of food and 807 breaks. Thanks
to all who answered my weak CQ's and to all the Rovers for spicing things up.
-73, Ron WZ1V
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