[VHFcontesting] [VHF] 2013 SVHFS Conference Update

Crownhaven crownhaven at bellsouth.net
Sun Mar 24 09:12:22 EDT 2013

Jim, Kos already responded and advised he had corrected the dates on the 
web page, whoever it belongs to.  Your reputation is intact.

Steve, N4JQQ

On 3/23/2013 11:22 PM, Jim Worsham wrote:
> First, it isn't my website.  It is the SVHFS website. I just looked at 
> the SVHFS website and I can't find anyplace where it says April 
> 19-21.  The correct dates are April 19-20.  Let me know exactly where 
> the SVHFS website says April 19-21 and I will make sure that it is 
> corrected.  Sorry for any confusion.
> 73
> Jim, W4KXY
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Crownhaven" 
> <crownhaven at bellsouth.net>
> To: "Jim Worsham" <w4kxy at bellsouth.net>; "VHF" 
> <vhf at w6yx.stanford.edu>; "VHF Contesting Reflector" 
> <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 11:36 PM
> Subject: Re: [VHF] 2013 SVHFS Conference Update
>> Jim, your web page says the conference is April 19 - April 21.  This 
>> note says April 19-20.  Can you please clarify dates.
>> Steve, N4JQQ
>> On 3/19/2013 11:02 PM, Jim Worsham wrote:
>>> See the note below from Chuck, K0VXM about the upcoming Southeastern 
>>> VHF Society conference in Cocoa Beach, Florida .  For further 
>>> details and registration go to: www.svhfs.org/conference.html.
>>> Hi All,
>>>   The 2013 SVHFS conference is less than 6 weeks away. Get your hotel
>>> rooms and registrations in now. The hotel has extended the window 
>>> for the
>>> conference room rate to March 27. Since we must have the meal counts 
>>> well
>>> in advance of the conference, you will not be seated if you do not
>>> pre-register.
>>>   We have a full schedule of events including a lightning protection
>>> seminar by Times Microwave. And with some luck we might be able to give
>>> some 500+ mile 10 G contacts to any portable stations. The Saturday 
>>> banquet
>>> will have some nice prizes a Flex 1500 for starters.
>>>   For those with families, Cocoa Beach touts itself as family friendly.
>>> The hotel is right on the beach so be sure to bring your swim and 
>>> surf gear.
>>>   See you on the beach Aprill 19 & 20!
>>> 73 Chuck KXVXM
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> ------
> Submissions:                    vhf at w6yx.stanford.edu
> Subscription/removal requests:  vhf-request at w6yx.stanford.edu
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