[VHFcontesting] 6m Spring Sprint

Ellen Rugowski ellengtrgrl at dslextreme.com
Sun May 12 09:50:09 EDT 2013

That was fun!

For a change we had a 6m Sprint that wasn't a snoozefest!  I missed the 
first hour (I was buys doing other things, and almost forgot about it), 
but due to pretty good conditions was on for the past 3 hours with the 
ancient Yaesu FT-620B I'm using, due to having to sell my TS-2000X last 
month.  I didn't set the band on fire, but did make some nice QSOs, 
despite the high levels of noise I always have on 6m.  It was also nice 
to work some CW during the Sprint (4 of my QSOs were by CW).  Here are 
my results:

17 QSOs
Score = 17,708 points

Best DX was W3EP at 1309 km

Ellen - AF9J

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