[VHFcontesting] June VHF Contests Excitement! New InnovAntenna for 6M LFA-Q 2 element + QRP Transceiver

Garnet Ryder garnet.ryder at gmail.com
Fri May 24 13:05:35 EDT 2013

Greetings John & All:

I've also ordered an InnovAntenna (2 element 50Mhz (6M) LFA-Q) and was very
impressed by Chip & his assistance in answering my questions and completing
my order.  Chip was pretty certain that I would be able to get my antenna
in 2 weeks, before the VHF contest!

I wanted a compact antenna that I can use at home (condo) that blends in
due to HOA restrictions, yagi not an option.  But I can also take it out
for Field Day, backpacking, scout camps, etc.  This antenna is built to be
very durable.

Another consideration was the super wide bandwidth, constant impedance &
all-weather stability because of living in the Pacific North West (long
rainy winters in Seattle WA & Vancouver BC).

I'll be looking to try this new antenna on 6M.  My vertical works well, but
with a little more directivity I hope to make more contacts.  I usually get
completely walked over by a local ham who has a giant EME array for
6M/2M/70cm & high power amplifier.

I'm running an Icom 703Plus (HF+6M QRP 10W) transceiver + InnovAntenna 2e
LFA-Q and Chameleon V1 antenna + Mil Whip + Hybrid base (works
exceptionally well for HF & 6M & 2M)

So if any of you are looking for extra contacts, point to the NW and
hopefully I'll get a little omph with my LFA-Q & QRP power on SSB.  *My
grid is CN89NE.*

Garnet, VE7GNR

Garnet Ryder, VE7GNR
Project Manager & Electronics Technologist
garnet.ryder at gmail.com
778-707-4174 mobile

Amateur Radio HF email for Emergency Communications: VE7GNR at winlink.org

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."
Douglas Adams.

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