[VHFcontesting] 2M Sprint Monday night 9/23

George Sintchak wa2vnv at optonline.net
Sun Sep 22 14:34:47 EDT 2013

Remember the 2-meter Sprint is Monday night, 9/23,  7-11 PM.

Exchange is call sign + 6 digit grid location. 
FYI: Rule 7.0 has changed due to request by many at the SE VHF conference.

7. Use of telephone, packet or internet methods to schedule contacts during the

contest is acceptable. The telephone, packet or internet channel will not be used

while the contact is in progress. No "OK I am hearing you now" over the alternate

channel. The alternate channel will not be available in any way to the operator

during the contact. The complete exchange of call signs and grids must be

accomplished on the relevant amateur radio band.


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