[VHFcontesting] Trends in VHF/UHF Weak Signal Operating

Andrew Glasbrenner glasbrenner at mindspring.com
Sun Feb 9 17:24:14 EST 2014

>When I was active I did a fair amount of Satellite work, but here again, 
>we're loosing more satellites than we're gaining. I believe we're down 
>to only 2 working SSB/CW satellites and 1 is older than I am.  AO-7 was 
>one of my favorites to work.

Right now there are 5 active transponders, 2 launching within 1--2 months, 2 on orbit awaiting activation as a secondary payload, the ISS, and one FM repeater satellite. There are DOZENS of other university sats that provide telemetry only. Sats are FAR from dead.

>But there doesn't seem to be any new SSB/CW sats being launched so I 
>fear that sat ops will also continue to decline.

See above...

>I just tried to check the AMSAT website.  Even its broke, I clicked on 3 
>different links and the links didn't work....

www.amsat.org is fine, after being rebuilt after a hacking incident. The old site however is defunct, although you can still get into it via Google. Go in the front door and it works fine.

73, Drew KO4MA
AMSAT VP Operations

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