[VHFcontesting] EL08 a Grid Bandits DXpedition.....

Marshall-K5QE k5qe at k5qe.com
Wed Jan 1 00:39:19 EST 2014

Hello to all those interested in FFMA and 6M grid chasing in general....

FIRST--The K5N Grid Activation Group wishes everyone in the Amateur 
Radio Community a Great New Year.

SECOND--The K5N group will be in EL08lw from Jan 3rd thru the morning of 
Jan 7th....working our tails off to work YOU....so be sure to show up 
and work us....HI.  We will be running 2 x 6M5XHP with full AZ/EL 
steering.  The amps are a combined pair of 6M1000s.  We finally got the 
preamp installed in such a way that it does not trip off the amps, so we 
are ready to go.  I worked ND0B this afternoon on FSK and interestingly 
enough via JT65B.  The JT contact was easy with decent signals both 
ways.....this was at 1155 miles terrestrial!!!  It is clear that for 
stations that are closer in, JT65B can make some pretty neat 
contacts....without waiting around for a meteor to come by. Also, on 
JT65B, several stations can call at once and I can pick up the stations 
where I see a trace.  Much more efficient, so we will probably do some 
of this as a trial.....

We will be on 50.128MHz for everything except EME which will be on 
50.195MHz.  We will be using the K5N chat page  which Dan-N5TM has so 
graciously made up for us.  Just go to chat.n5tm.com and login.  Then 
chose the K5N chat page.  We will not be looking at PingJockey or the 
ON4KST pages, so if you want to talk to us, be sure to use our private 
chat page.

This is once again a Grid Bandits DXpedition, so JD-N0IRS will be our 
logo designer and Joey-W5TFW will handle the QSL card replies.  Please 
send an SASE to Joey and when I get the cards printed up, he will send 
them out.

73 es HNY.....

Dan N5TM
George NR5M
Bill N5YA
Marshall K5QE

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