[VHFcontesting] W9FZ/R roves 88th Meridian in Wisconsin

Bruce Richardson w9fz at w9fz.com
Fri Jan 17 02:40:42 EST 2014

Hoping some MI, OH, IN, and IL ops had not heard about our rove and
point northwesterly for some more activity.

W9FZ/R Jan VHF Contest Plans

W9FZ, along with Janice KA9VVQ, will be roving in the Jan VHF
Contest. Basically, we'll be activating the 4 Milwaukee grids
and then proceed northward to activate EN64 near Manitowoc and
continue to EN55 and EN65 at Pound and Peshtigo.  We appreciate
any and all contacts.

You can watch our progress as W9FZ-15 (puppy dog symbol) at:
http://aprs.fi/?call=w9fz-15 (looking might change your category)

CQ'ing on 144.240 and checking FM 146.55 and .58 at the top
and bottom of every hour that we are operating (per the sked
below). We'll go to 50.190 to ensure a quiet place on 6m and
carry to .140 on most of the other bands. Please, please, tune
your radios off of 144.200.  You'll hear weaker stations better
away from all that QRM.

We'll have (and hope they all work!) ABCD9EFI (That means
6m, 2m, 222, 432, 902, 1296, 2304, and 10GHz)

EN62bx Milw Airport 1900Z - 2100Z (1300L - 1500L)
EN52ww New Berlin   2200Z - 2400Z (1600L - 1800L)
EN53va Hillcrest Pk 0200Z - 0400Z (2000L - 2200L)

EN63ag MeeKwon Pk   1530Z - 1730Z (0930L - 1130L)
EN64db Manitowoc    1900Z - 2100Z (1300L - 1500L)
EN55xc Pound        2300Z - 0100Z (1700L - 1900L)
EN65bb Peshtigo     0200Z - 0359Z (2000L - 2159L)

We'll be looking in many directions because we know there
are stations out there. If signals are weak, call
us on CW (not high speed!) to get a completion.

Yeah, we know there are some pretty good football games on 
Sunday--please leave your radios on and give us some Q's 
during the commercials--you know there are a lot of them!
Ya know, the snow is pretty deep up there in EN55 and EN65
so check up on us to make sure we are ok :-) .

See other regional planned activity at:

See you this weekend!
Bruce and Janice W9FZ/R

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