[VHFcontesting] K7BWH staying home CN87 in June VHF Contest

Barry Hansen barry at k7bwh.com
Wed Jun 11 19:00:08 EDT 2014

K7BWH will operate the contest from home near Seattle CN87 in the June 2014
VHF Contest.


Please disregard my earlier plans to rove in DN14 and DN5. I'll get around
to those grid squares later this summer, but for now, it fits much better
for my family's plans to stick around in Seattle this weekend. Also I
learned that an essential forest service road on my route near Hells Canyon
is closed for construction until after the contest. I guess it's still
pretty early in the season for northeast Oregon mountaintops; the
Wallowa-Whitman National Forest has a substantial snow pack.


I'll operate the contest on 6m and 2m with amplifiers for a couple hundred
watts and I'll put the aluminum on the rooftop instead of the rovermobile.
Plus, being at home gives me a better chance of convincing all my digital
mode software to play nicely together to work some meteor scatter FSK441.


Good luck in the VHF contest to everyone,

Barry K7BWH CN87xn
barry at k7bwh.com 
PNWVHFS Webmaster


PS - VHF Contesters: I'd love to get your contest photos for possible usage
on our website!

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