[VHFcontesting] W1AW/3

Phil Theis phil at k3tuf.com
Sun Mar 23 19:29:12 EDT 2014

I will be operating as W1AW/3 from April 2 - 8 for bands 6m and up.
This happens to include the 144MHz sprint on April 7th.
Please be sure and get on that evening and get as many entries in the 
log as possible.
The entry for the sprint will be a check log, but you can sure get 
credit for the point and get W1AW in your log on 2m.
I will lurk on ON4KST for the evening of the sprint and any other time 
that I am around in the shack.
I will be operating both CW and SSB; hope to have my frequency spotted 
on the various loggers.
Phil K3TUF

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