[VHFcontesting] AC2GJ QRP Portable for VHF contest Sunday 9/14 Onlyu

Jay Thompson ac2gj at live.com
Wed Sep 10 09:35:43 EDT 2014

I'll be operating QRP Portable from Amherst, NY grid FN02 Sunday approx. 1600-2000 UTC  May be on in the evening as well to give locals and rovers a few extra Q's but unsure as of this timeWill have 10W into a dipole on 6, working on cheap yagi's for 144.200 and 432.105, and have 223.500 FM on the HT
73 de Jay AC2GJ (Ex KC2NVL)

QTH = Amherst, NY USA Grid FN02 		 	   		  

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