[VHFcontesting] !TWO! SPRINTS WILL BE HELD THIS WEEK: 70 Cm (420 - 450 MHz) On Wednesday Evening AND The 902 MHz (33cm) & up SPRINT To Be Held On Saturday Morning

peter h via VHFcontesting vhfcontesting at contesting.com
Mon Apr 27 23:33:27 EDT 2015

The Third Spring 2015SPRINT (Mini-Contest) will be held on 70 Cm (420 - 450.0 MHz) onWednesday evening, 29 April 2015, from 7:00 PM  - 11:00 PM PDT. (Mostactivity will be noted between 7PM - 9PM) 
This is a great chanceto exercise your gear for this band, see whom else is on the air, and seehow far away you can work. SSB, CW, FM, etc are all permitted, but repeater useis not permitted. Yes, even FM handhelds with a rubber duckie antenna arepermitted. Note: Most SSB/CW activity will be at 432.100 MHz +/- 25 KHz, whileFM activity will primarily be found on 446.0 MHz FMSIMPLEX.     
Scoring is Number ofQSOs (Contacts) times Number of Grids Worked. (i.e. Most if not all members ofVentura County (CA) Amateur Radio Clubs are located in Grid "DM-04") 
Please refer to completerules & log submission info at: >>>>https://sites.google.com/site/springvhfupsprints/home/2015-information<<<<or send questions to N6ZE at aol.com 
 1 .        432 MHz: Wednesday, 4/29/15 from 7 - 11 PM local  
  2.        Microwave, 902 MHz and up: Saturday, 5/2/15 from 8 AM - 1 PM local  (Scoring will be different for this SRINT: Goto Rules url for more info & look up your 6 digit Grid Locator on QRZ.com) 
   3.        50 MHz: Saturday, 5/9/15 from 2300Z until 0300ZSunday, 5/10/2015  
Note: N6ZE plans tooperate from a local hilltop in  the Santa Monica Mountains, CA or inThousand Oaks, CA for this SPRINT: I hope to make a QSO with lots of stations!
bt73Pete, N6ZE 
Note:  144 MHz: was held on Monday, 4/13/15; 223 MHzwas held on Tuesday, 4/21/15 



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