[VHFcontesting] Spots

Phil Theis phil at k3tuf.com
Wed Apr 29 12:46:25 EDT 2015

Hi Steve, thanks for your comments.   These thoughts need to be tailored 
to potentially benefit the most hams.   Most of us only (or mostly) work 
CW and SSB.   The mode is a part of the spot.   We are learning about 
the use of Grid square in the existing cluster system.   You are in EM55 
and I'll bet you are well within range of K4TO in EM77 (who I love to 
know when he is on so I can work him from FN10) so it would be valuable 
to know when Dave is on and where he is located frequency-wise.   Also 
to be able to send him a message to look your way.   Spotting is just 
the first indication of a potential contact.
Like we said earlier, the chat page (room) is going to be an integral 
part of the overall solution.  You are right about that. And the phone 
is always an option now that the rules allow it.
As far as jamming the cluster, I highly doubt that we, during a VHF 
contest, will ever come close to the volume of traffic that the existing 
cluster manages during the four major DX contests every year.   That 
will not be an issue, and if it becomes one, it will be a good one to solve.
Filtering on the cluster node or on the logger is something that has 
been written about in abundance.   Our local HF contest club puts out 
sample filter scripts before most contests.   You will find lots of help 
in that area.
If you do choose to move to New England I'm sure the guys at the NEWS 
group will assist you at your new location.   And if you choose to build 
that 500 foot tower, be sure and take my tower climbing safety and 
rescue course along the way.   We will all come down to marvel at that 
marvelous creation.    (and I know you were kidding)
73, and thanks for the comments.
Keep them coming.
Phil K3TUF

On 4/29/2015 12:19 PM, Crownhaven wrote:
> It looks like spotting might help some but not all.  If you're in the 
> NE where there might be hundreds (hopefully) of signals on the band, 
> it would be of value.  If you're using a mode where signals are 
> generally there, that might be good too but I only work CW/SSB. If 
> you're in a an area with very little to no activity, EM55bd, I'm not 
> sure I see how it would work.  For example, I know pretty much who is 
> on in the states surrounding me.  However, even if they are spotted on 
> .200 where they generally are anyway, I won't hear them if they aren't 
> pointed right at my grid.  And they won't hear me.  A spot isn't going 
> to fix that unless someone spots both of us and we just happen to turn 
> our antennas in each other's direction at the same time.  That ain't 
> gonna happen.
> The only way I see this working for me is if I might be in some kind 
> of chat room or I call them on the telephone.  :))))
> Further, the cluster is typically jammed with spots.  You can filter 
> and filter further but that is somewhat of a hassle if you're 
> challenged with the software like I am.
> I think the real answer is for me to move to New England or build a 
> 500' tower.
> Steve, N4JQQ, EM55bd
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