[VHFcontesting] K7BWH Sept VHF contest in southeast Oregon

Barry Hansen barry at k7bwh.com
Sat Aug 29 20:04:30 EDT 2015

Barry K7BWH and Rod WE7X will activate some semi-rare grids in Southeast Oregon before and during the 2015 September VHF Contest. My preliminary schedule is:


·         Tuesday 9/9 –  <http://www.coilgun.info/rover_or/CN92.htm#CN92ab36> CN92ab (Hamaker Mtn)

·         Saturday 9/12 –  <http://www.coilgun.info/rover_or/DN02.htm> DN02 +  <http://www.coilgun.info/rover_or/DN03.htm> DN03

·         Sunday 9/13 –  <http://www.coilgun.info/rover_or/DN13.htm> DN13 +  <http://www.coilgun.info/rover_or/DN12.htm> DN12


You will be able to watch my contest travels from my APRS beacons at  <http://aprs.fi/k7bwh> http://aprs.fi/k7bwh 


I will do a lot of scouting since these areas are new to me. Hilltop suggestions around the 2-3-12-13 grid corner are welcomed!!


At this time, no forest fires are near our intended targets and the weather looks promising. 


I’m primarily on 6 and 2 meters. To remain nimble and move around in four grids on two days, the equipment is only medium-sized on this trip. Six meters has a 6m3 antenna and 100 watts. Two meters is a 2m7 antenna with 500 watts. On the plus side, we’ll setup, operate and camp on really good mountains.


Note that Steve KE7IHG will be in DN02qr (Steens Mtn) during the contest. So point your antennas toward southeast Oregon! It’s an on-the-air rodeo! Now that spotting is allowed in VHF contests, post us on teh intertubes! And you can always try calling or texting my cell phone, although my access will be spotty in the remote desert.


73 de Barry, K7BWH
PNWVHFS Webmaster


Shameless promotion: Remember to sign up for the PNWVHFS Conference in Issaquah, Oct 9-10!

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