[VHFcontesting] New proposed VHF Contest rules

Michael Clarson wv2zow at gmail.com
Fri Apr 15 15:03:34 EDT 2016

Tim: Perhaps the solution is to dump Distance scoring and go back to Grid
Square mults. That way it can be just like all the other VHF/UHF contests
except one cannot use the two most popular bands. Also, I was not
advocating anything -- just speculating as to why it was suggested to not
include EME. --73, Mike, WV2ZOW

On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 2:01 PM, k7xc_tx <k7xc_tx at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Ok... let me get this straight...
> so we make EME Qs less valuable than terrestrial Qs and create a
> complexity worse than what was done to Rover.
> This is more descriminatory than just ejecting them from the contest !
> Am I the only one who sees how disrespectful this is to the EME community?
> To kick them aside cause this proposal is flawed by not taking them into
> account from the beginning!.
> And for those wondering,  No I am not currently active on EME, but, I once
> was back in the days when it was all CW.
> This whole thing threatens to change my favorite events in Amateur Radio
> to something less than what they are now.
> A strange way to promote activity by banning part of it that has been here
> for decades.
> 73s de Tim - K7XC - DM09jh... sk
> Sent from my MetroPCS 4G Android device
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Michael Clarson <wv2zow at gmail.com>
> Date:04/15/2016 10:39 (GMT-08:00)
> To: Peter Laws <plaws0 at gmail.com>
> Cc: k7xc_tx <k7xc_tx at yahoo.com>, VHF Contesting <
> VHFcontesting at contesting.com>
> Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] New proposed VHF Contest rules
> Peter: My statement using a grid square on the moon was tongue  in cheek.
> I keep forgetting the cardinal rule of the internet: Things said in jest
> will be taken literally, even if followed up with a smiley face.. My point
> was that on EME, grids 8000 (or more) miles away are just as accessible as
> neighboring grids with nearly the same effort. vs. terrestrial propagation
> where you'll never hear that station 8000 miles away on UHF.I suspect the
> prohibition against EME would be how it would skew distance scoring. It'd
> be nice if EME could be accomodated without blowing the non EME stations
> out of the water,. --73, Mike, WV2ZOW
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 1:23 PM, Peter Laws <plaws0 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 12:17 PM, Michael Clarson <wv2zow at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > put there because of Distance scoring. With EME, the effort to work a
>> > station in the next or even in one's own grid is pretty much the same as
>> > working one 8,000 miles away. Perhaps a maximum distance score per
>> You're clearly unfamiliar with distance scoring:  The distance is
>> calculated between your grid and the other stations grid, not the
>> distance your signal travels, regardless of mode.
>> The Makrothen contest has been run this way for a long time:
>> http://home.arcor.de/waldemar.kebsch/The_Makrothen_Contest/The_Makrothen_Contest.html
>> I agree with another poster that said there needs to be a commonly
>> agreed upon calculation for calculating distance between two 6-char
>> grid-locs, though, given that different geodetic systems.  Pick one
>> and make sure everyone uses the same mathematic algorithm and be done
>> with it.  Necessary, but not a big deal.
>> --
>> Peter Laws | N5UWY | plaws plaws net | Travel by Train!

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