[VHFcontesting] ft-736R

Ken Kent ka2lim at stny.rr.com
Tue Dec 13 14:40:42 EST 2016

Time to let go of some of my spare equipment. Am offering here before it
goes on Ebay. Get it before the January VHF Contest.


Yaesu FT-736R

Has 6,2.222 and 432 modules

CW keyer

CW narrow filter

Built in voice that speaks the frequency

Internal power supply w/ cord

Hand mic - original

Relay box for keying amplifiers


Original box for shipping


$1200 includes the shipping.

Contact me direct.






Patriotism: Supporting your Country ALL THE TIME; and, your government when
it deserves it.

An armed citizen is a free person, 

an unarmed citizen is a slave


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