[VHFcontesting] tropo opening Sunday eve of contest

jon jones n0jk at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 12 13:14:22 EDT 2016

What a nice tropo opening Sunday evening. APRS and Hepburn's maps really didn't show this. 
>From eastern KS on 432 MHz I worked N0LL EM09, KB0ZOM/r EN00, K0TPP EM48, several EM29 stations, N0OY EM18,  K2DRH EN41, N4QWZ EM66 and a real catch - W4NH EM85 on 432 MHz at 0235z. 
I was running 10 watts and a single N6NB Quagi on a 5 ft. mast. Location on a hill top just west of Lawrence, KS EM28ix.
I had to work both days of the contest, got off work at 7pm on Sunday. Original plan was to set up and make a couple of Qs to send in a log, then QRT.  Operated from a construction site. Set up next a home foundation. Great shot W - N - E and southeast across Lawrence. Turned out to be a good spot. My first contact at 0105z on 2M was W4NH EM85 !!! 
I had fortunately brought my HB N6NB 432 Quagi along. I had only one mast on a tripod - so to switch bands had to take the 2M yagi down, put 432 Quagi on mast and switch coax on the FT-897. It was painful... but worth it. 
I was about to take everything down when W4NH appeared loud on 144.205. So I worked them again at 0230z on 2 -- they were now well over S-9 and asked them to listen for me on 432. Got the Quagi on the mast, attached the 9913 to it and then the radio. This all in the dark though moonlight. W4NH turned their 70 cm array this way, and was 432.105 calling CQ on CW. They were fair copy, but not hearing my 10 W. Finally condx picked up, now 579, and we made a solid Q!!
 - Jon N0JK

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