[VHFcontesting] North

Paul Rollinson Paulrollinson at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jan 5 12:27:20 EST 2017

Hi Guys,


This may be a stupid question but..


Do you calibrate your beam headings for true north or magnetic north?


I believe it's true north. If so, what is the degree difference is FN41AU to
the east of magnetic north?


I have an issue with my rotor pot and just tried EME pointing the beam using
a compass. Only after did I realize this may have been a mistake. No




Paul Rollinson, KE1LI

Rollinson Associates


860-928-3844 Fax

860-208-8814 Cell/Text

 <mailto:Paulrollinson at sbcglobal.net> Paulrollinson at sbcglobal.net


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