[VHFcontesting] K2TER/R QRV for January 2017 ARRL VHF Contest

tjennin2 at rochester.rr.com tjennin2 at rochester.rr.com
Fri Jan 20 22:59:18 EST 2017

K2TER/R Plans for January 2017 ARRL VHF Contest
We will be QRV at the following locations:
	Saturday 1400 EST FN22DW
	Sunday 0800 EST FN12AU
		Lunch Rover Blitz
	Sunday 1430 EST FN02VU
				FN02WV alternate
	Sunday 1800 EST FN03
	Monday 1930 EST FN13GB
We will be on 50 MHz thru 3456MHz SSB/CW/FM with a 50 foot mast!
Will be pointing beams NORTH!
We should be easy to find on 6 and 2 meters.
Hope see you all during the contest!
73 es gl
Bill K2TER
Tom KV2X

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