[VHFcontesting] The National MSK calling frequency???

Marshall-K5QE k5qe at k5qe.com
Tue Jun 6 18:59:27 EDT 2017

Hello everyone....I have been informed by a W7, who I respect, that 
since FKS441 is essentially dead, the 6M meteor scatter calling 
frequency has been moved back to 50.260MHz.  I think this is a great 
idea as the ever upward trend for every new mode is giving my antennas 
fits.  Is this idea widespread, or is this just a few mavericks that are 
trying to get away from the mob?

However, there will surely be a lot of people(like me) that just heard 
of this idea and will still be hanging out at 50.280MHz. This may(or may 
not) be a small problem for the upcoming June and July contests.  I 
always operate on 50.265MHz(surely everyone knows that by now), so such 
a change will not effect me very much.  I continue to believe that 
PingJockey is the way around all these problems.

If anyone knows the straight scoop on all this, please let me know.

GL to everyone in the contest.....and be sure to work us on 6M on 
50.265MHz if you are within range.  {sarc on} If you are not in range, 
move closer so that you are!!  {sarc off}  All contacts gratefully 

73 Marshall K5QE

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