[VHFcontesting] 432 EME in the ARRL June contest.....

Marshall-K5QE k5qe at k5qe.com
Wed Jun 7 20:19:52 EDT 2017

Hello to everyone in the 432 EME community....

This year, the ARRL June VHF Contest will be held June 10th and 11th.  
We want to work as many EME stations on 432 as possible to increase our 
grid count.  Please help us with this event by working us on JT65b or 
CW.  Thank you very much.

EU contests do not allow EME, but the ARRL contests do.  EME is a nice 
portion of our scores, so we value every EME contact that we can get. 
Every grid worked on 432 will clearly be a rare grid for us, so give us 
a call.

There are new rules for ARRL VHF contests.  Assistance is now allowed to 
everyone.  The new rules for Assistance are extremely 
liberal....basically you can do just about anything, EXCEPT for posting 
any contact information.  This means that we cannot post "Thank you" 
after a contact, because it confirms that the contact is complete. 
Please understand if we don't send you a thank you post.  The rules just 
don't allow that, even though we do it routinely when not contesting.

We have only one moon passe this contest.  Our moonrise begins about 
0230Z on Sunday the 11th.  This is a good time for us.  It is in the 
middle of the night here, but for EU ops, it is in the middle of the 
morning, so you won't have to get up at some awful time at night.  The 
only problem is that degradation is higher than I would like to see.  
Please don't give up on us just because the degradation is up.  We can 
still work a lot of QSOs because we have QRO power and a big antenna.  
Our moonset is 1730Z.

We will be operating 432 at 432.080MHz this year, on Second sequence.  
Several ops have complained about nasty birdies on .070, so I decided to 
move up this year to try to help them out.  If you only operate CW on 
432 EME, please call us on CW. If we hear a CW caller, we will 
immediately switch to CW and work you on CW.

I would like to reach out to the 432 ops, in particular, because we 
would love to work you in our contest on 432 EME.  The 432 EME station 
antenna is 16 x 28el M2 all Horizontal.  The TX power is 1000W with a 
tower mounted cavity preamp.   If you are 432 EME capable, please try to 
work us during the contest.

We will be using the N0UK EME-1 page for coordination as we normally do, 
so you can schedule with us there.

We will also be operating 2M EME on 144.142MHz, taking second sequence, 
with 8 x 18el M2.  If you have 432 and 2M, please try to work us on both 
bands.  Thank you for that.

Good luck to all in the contest and we hope to see you there.

Thank you.

73 Marshall, K5QE - EM31cj
East Texas, USA

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