[VHFcontesting] 222 in the June Contest.....

Marshall-K5QE k5qe at k5qe.com
Wed Jun 7 20:12:02 EDT 2017

Hello to everyone active on 222. This year, the ARRL June VHF Contest 
will be June 10th and 11th.  We want to work as many stations on 222 as 
possible to increase our grid count.....we are not picky, we will be 
glad to work you on 222 tropo, EME, or meteor scatter.  222 meteor 
scatter is a LOT easier than most folks think.  SO, please help us with 
this event by working us on 222.  Thank you very much.

For us, 222MHz has proven to be a "strange" band--full of promise, but 
there are not very many 222 ops active.  We will cater to anyone that 
wants to work us.  Our station is setup so that with just a couple of 
switches, we can change from tropo/meteor scatter to EME.  I believe the 
secret is to use the PingJockey or EME-1 reflector.  If you want to run 
meteors with us, just get with us on PingJockey and we can set up a 
sched. If you want EME, same story.  This should minimize wasted time.

We have QRO power and 2 x 23 at 135ft for tropo or meteors.  We have 8 x 
222XP40s for EME.  We operate on 222.085Mhz for both meteors and EME.  
If you are within normal meteor range, we should be able to work using 
MSK144, the new MS mode.  In the early hours of Sunday morning, there is 
often good tropo out to 700-800 miles.

For single op stations, you can set up a sched with us on PingJockey and 
let MSK144 do the work on 222 while you S&P on another band.  That works 
on 2M also.

I would like to see a lot more meteor scatter via MSK144 on 222.  Please 
give us a try if you have a decent antenna and a couple hundred watts(or 
more) of power.  This is an area of VHF contesting that is WAY 
underutilized.  Thank you and see you this weekend.

73 Marshall, K5QE - EM31cj

East Texas, USA

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