[VHFcontesting] 2304 and 3456 transverters and power amps F.S.

Bill Olson callbill at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 3 15:00:53 EDT 2017

 Hi everyone, I thought I had the gear sold, but that seems to have fallen through. So here we go again... Here's my original posting:

Well plans change. A few years back I was thinking I was going to build up a killer 10 band rover station, but lately after I've started putting the home station back on the air, I think I'm going with the bottom 6 bands from home. Easier, less driving, less worrying about snowy roads, etc etc.. hi hi. That makes these building blocks for 2304 and 3456 excess to my needs. I'd like to sell each band all parts together, at least the xverter and amp. Pay by PayPal OK and preferred actually. shipping extra. willing to consider *reasonable* offers especially for multiple items. questions welcome. pictures available. Here's what I have:


DEMI 2304 low power transverter model 2304-144LP, SN205. This is an older xtal controlled version with the MicroLO local oscillator but very stable. It's set up for split IF at 144MHz and 1-10watt drive but that is easily changed. rig has the 28 v relay driver in it to switch a Transco SMA relay. works great, hardly used.  $200

30 watt linear amp from Pyrojoe off eBay. here's the link:   https://www.ebay.com/itm/30W-Class-A-Linear-RF-amplifier-2-3-2-45-GHz-2304-ATV-/222684159449?epid=1133083211&hash=item33d9029dd9:g:RhQAAOSwNWxZ6KSt<https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2F30W-Class-A-Linear-RF-amplifier-2-3-2-45-GHz-2304-ATV-%2F222684159449%3Fepid%3D1133083211%26hash%3Ditem33d9029dd9%3Ag%3ARhQAAOSwNWxZ6KSt&data=02%7C01%7Ccallbill%40hotmail.com%7Cd3f608a897f74368357508d51a51b958%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636443860664554187&sdata=BvypaiCoTKdd61m0QMvuwphlU382qIbAA87dBjGuUCg%3D&reserved=0> this is the class A driver board out of a Spectrian 2300MHz rig. just milliwatts input, runs on 12 volts, needs a heatsink. PyroJoe wants $145 for these.. brand new I'll take $100

heat sink for above amp 9" x 7" x 1.5" (a few holes in these.. work fine on this amp) $20

Transco "D" type sma relay used tested good: $25


DEMI 3456 low power transverter model 3456-144LP, SN200. This is also the older xtal controlled version with the MicroLO local oscillator. It's set up for common IF at 144MHz and 1-10watt drive but that is easily changed. rig has the 28 v relay driver in it to switch a Transco SMA relay. works great, hardly used.  $200

~30W Toshiba UM2683B power amp unmodified in original packaging. This is the low power version which CAN be modified to be the high power (A) version with a different voltage regulator and some other stuff, but at 25-30 watts will cruise along just fine. There's a bunch of info online on these amps and they are pretty much the standard for reasonable power on 3456 these days. Getting hard and harder to find it seems. I got this from PyroJoe but he doesn't have any more. milliwatts input, runs on 12 volts. needs heatsink. $150

heat sink (same as the 2304 one) $20

Transco ditto $25


 bill k1DY in Maine

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