[VHFcontesting] OMG

N1BUG paul at n1bug.com
Mon Jul 23 12:20:36 EDT 2018

On 07/23/2018 11:49 AM, Keith Morehouse wrote:
> The other day, there was a big 6M op from EU on one of the chat pages,
> advocating NOT using contest mode, because, he said, the European ops
> didn't want to be bothered with grids during a big opening.  This is
> ludicrous - anyone who has been around for a while, who used to work 6M DX
> on SSB or CW, knows that your typical EU op would have had a fit if you
> didn't give him your grid.

Really? I have many hundreds of European stations in my log on 6
meter CW over more than a ten year period without grids. Most of the
time the exchange was call sign, RST report, R, 73. This is what
most of the European operators expected. I would say things were a
little more 'grid-centric' on SSB but I rarely operated that mode
during openings to Europe.

Paul N1BUG

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